Wonde provides a direct link of up-to-date data from a school’s MIS to Schoolzine. It also gives schools complete control and clarity of what data is being accessed, along with the ability to prevent the data of certain individuals to be passed on.You can view full details on the Wonde website here.
The Setup Process
Wonde sync should be completed during the initial account setup process and prior to sending any communications from the Schoolzine account.
If you are intending to launch the Schoolzine SZapp, it is important that the Wonde setup is completed prior to launch.
To begin the setup process and confirm what data you would like to sync into Schoolzine contact the Support Team.
What’s Happens Next?
The following steps will take place once the form is received by Schoolzine:
- Schoolzine sends a request to Wonde with the nominated contacts details to confirm the process is authorized.
- Wonde contacts the School/Organisation to authorise and create an account, then sends Schoolzine a confirmation to begin the setup process.
- Schoolzine setup the integration and run MIS reports to identify any issues that will affect the SYNC. A support call will then take place to review the reports and confirm the required data sets and settings required.
SYNC options
- Parents – All contacts which are linked to a current student. This will be dependent on the student relationship types which are selected and Parental Responsibility.
- Staff/Employee – All staff that are currently working at the school. The sync of the staff group may depend on how your MIS stores staff which are also parents.
- Students – Student Names, Year and Class information can be synced to create contact groups for parents. Student contact details are not synced to Schoolzine.
- Parental Responsibility – Allows you to limit the sync to only contacts with parental responsibility.
- Relationship types – Relationship between the contact and student. These can be selected to filter out unwanted contact types. For example, you can remove all contacts which have a relationship type of ‘Grandparents’.
Important information about your MIS data
A Contact’s email address must be unique in the Schoolzine CRM. This means that the sync will only add an email once from your MIS. This makes it important to review all instances of duplicate emails and contacts that exist in your MIS, to ensure the accuracy of the sync.
Here are a few instances where duplicate data may exist in your school’s MIS:
- Where the same parent has been added twice to the MIS. This could occur when a parent has a second child enrol, and they aren’t linked to the existing MIS ID. These are extremely important to resolve to make sure you have a single point of data.
- When parents in the same family use the same email address. We recommend removing the 2nd instance of the email. Although this is not required it may result in students not being linked correctly.
A duplicate report can be generated and accessed via the Media Library in your Schoolzine account. This will also be provided in the setup process outlined below.
NOTE: When creating a new contact in ScholarPack, please ensure that you allow contact from 3rd parties on each individual contact linked to students. This can be found in ScholarPack by going to the student in question, clicking on the contact, then clicking the settings icon next to the contact and change the ‘allow contact by 3rd parties‘ to YES. This then allows that data to transfer.
SYNC Details
Changes to contact details in your MIS may take up to 4 hours to be updated in Wonde for Schoolzine to sync.
SYNCS run daily, but you can manually complete a Sync in the Schoolzine Control Centre by following these steps:
- Log in to your Control Centre and select the Contacts menu item.
- Once expanded, select View Contacts.
- Click Sync button in the top menu ribbon to queue a contacts sync in the system.