Training Resources

Please see the following information below to get started with the products you have purchased with your Schoolzine subscription. If you are interested in more information, or would like to purchase additional products, please contact the sales team.

Introduction to the Control Centre

Once you have been provided with an access email to log into the Control Centre you will be presented with the Dashboard and Control Centre – a central point for management of all of your Schoolzine resouces.

See the video below for an Introduction to the Control Centre to get started:

eNews Builder

Schoolzine’s eNews Builder Platform allows you to build a high-quality online newsletter quickly and efficiently. It uses smaller Content Elements and Articles to piece together a newsletter that can then be sent out to your community via multiple communication Channels.

See the video below for a quick overview of the eNews Builder to get started:

Schoolzine’s Mobile Communication App – SZapp

Schoolzine’s Mobile Communication App – SZapp is great for sending quick updates and commincation to your community, whilst making information and resources available to your community whilst on the go. SZapp is available for Android and iOS devices.

See the video below for a quick overview of the SZapp to get started:

Still Have Questions?

If you have reviewed the Knowledge Base and still have questions or would like some pointers, you can book in an additional training session for Questions and Answers with our Team. You can contact our Support Team at

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