Password Protected Pages

Web Pages can be secured with a password through the Control Centre. Doing this will force users to enter a password when attempting to access the Web Page. This is especially helpful for staff only pages that contain sensitive content.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.

Updating the Website Slider

The Blueprint templates allows you the option of updating your own Website Slider with new images and videos via the Control Centre.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.

Creating a Web Page

Web Pages can be created within your Schoolzine Control Centre to display content in various sections, from your newsletter, website or SZapp. These pages can then be populated with content from Content Holders, Media files, or via external links to existing content.

For more information, please read the following article.

The Stages of Website Construction

Your website build will undergo 4 main steps: Stage One: Planning, pages and design Before we can commence with the build of your website we require you to have completed the following steps: Receipt of payment: Schoolzine must have confirmation that your invoice for the website has been paid. If you have any issues with paying […]

Content Holders

The following guide will provide you with information regarding Creating and Managing Content Holders.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.