Keeping your Account Secure
Schoolzine would like to remind you to always be vigilant with your security of your Schoolzine user accounts. In order to keep your Schoolzine Account secure we have assembled some tips to peruse.
Contact Subscription Statuses
The following will guide you through the process for Contact Subscription Statuses. For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Important User Policy Updates
The following details are from the updated User Policy located in our Terms and Conditions.
User Accounts now have the following password policies:
- Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters
- Passwords must include a number and a letter
- Passwords must include a special character
- Passwords must be updated every 12 months
- New password cannot be the same as a previous one
- User accounts will now be locked after 5 incorrect login attempts.
FAQs – Contacts & Groups
The following will guide you through frequently asked questions about Schoolzine’s Contact Management System Feature.
For more information on this feature, please read the following article.
Managing Suppressed Contacts
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Un-Suppressing a Contact.
For more information on this process, please read the article.
Active / Inactive Contacts
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Active and Inactive Contacts
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Removing Contacts
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Removing Contacts from your Control Centre.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Managing Groups
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Managing your Groups in the Schoolzine System.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Exporting Contacts
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Exporting your Contacts via the Schoolzine Control Centre.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Importing Contacts
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Importing Contacts via Excel Spreadsheet into the Control Centre.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Resubscribing a Contact
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Resubscribing a Contact to the Schoolzine System.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.
Blacklisting SZapp Users
The following guide will provide you with information regarding Blacklisting SZapp Users.
For more information on this process, please read the following article.