Calendar Integration

The following guide will provide you with information regarding Calendar Integration with the Schoolzine Control Centre.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.

MIS Integrations

The following article will provide you with information regarding MIS Integration with the Schoolzine Control Centre.

For more information, please read the following article.

Additional Resources

Making My Own Changes The eNews Builder Newsletter Platform has a detailed capacity for you to be able to make your own changes directly to your Newsletter. For more information on how to make these changes, see the link below for the complete guide. Or watch our short introduction video to the process –  Click […]

Request a Newsletter Amendment

Submit a Word Document with changes To indicate your changes, all you need to do is highlight the text: Highlight any changed/new content in Yellow.. Highlight any content that needs removal in Red. The highlighter tool can be found in the Font toolbar in the menu ribbon. Handy Hints If you have a punctuation change, […]

Zipping images and attachments folders

Before uploading your content you should prepare your files as follows: Drag the images folder into the Schoolzine Image resizer to reduce the file size for all of the images. This will reduce the time it takes to upload your files. Ensure each folder is no larger than 150mb. Zip your images folder. Zip your […]

Preparing Newsletter Files for Upload

Prior to uploading your Newsletter Content you should have a total of 3 items for upload –  Newsletter Template Document Zipped Folder for Images Zipped Folder for Media Files Preparing My Newsletter Document Your Content Document is the most important part of the submission, and because of this it is important to make sure that […]

Summitting My Newsletter Content

Before submitting your Newsletter content you will need to prepare the following items: Completed Content Document 1 Zip Folder containing your Images and Galleries 1 Zip Folder containing your Attachments and Media Files Once your Files are assembled, use the link below to submit your Content –  Click Here To Submit Your Newsletter Content Add […]

Extracting Images from a Word Document

Images placed directly into your Schoolzine Newsletter Template are unable to be extracted when your document is run through our engine or placed into the content window within the Control Centre. However, you are able to extract them from your word document if they have been submitted to you in this format.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.

Preparing SZ eNews Content

Prior to uploading your Newsletter content, you will be required to follow some set styling and guidelines in the word document template. 

For more information on this process, please read the following article.