Secured Calendars

A Secured calendar allows you to display events that are not intended to be viewed by your users. For example, you can create a secured calendar to list staff events and embed the secured calendar on your staff portal. To create a secured calendar, you can use the calendar embed code and select Show Restricted […]

Embedding the Calendar on your Website

To embed the Schoolzine Calendar on your own webpage or portal you will need to copy the calendar embed code from your SchoolzinePlus Admin Console. Once you have the code simply paste it into the HTML of your webpage or portal. Below are detailed steps on how to do this: Login to your SchoolzinePlus Admin […]

Staff and Student Handbooks

Schoolzine now offers Staff and Student Handbooks! These handbooks have been created to provide your community with a ‘Go to Guide’ about the day-to-day operations and procedures that occur at the school. Handbooks are available to purchase for all our DIY accounts to utilise if they wish. Please keep in mind that these Handbooks are […]

The Company CRM

The following guide will supply you with tutorials and information on the Company CRM.

For more information on this feature, please read the following article.

Wonde Deletions Report Example

The Deletions Report shows you a list of contacts that have been deleted within the Control Centre. “Wonde ID”,”Schoolzine ID”,Type,”Deleted At” AXXXXXXX,3349,contact,”2019-09-30 11:55:24.000000” AXXXXXXX,3811,contact,”2019-11-05 13:49:47.000000” AXXXXXXX,3812,contact,”2019-11-05 13:49:47.000000“ Above is sample output information generated for a Deletions Report. This shows which contact was Deleted and When. The Wonde ID field is linked to Code Field in […]

Wonde Duplicates Report Example

To maintain the accuracy and integrity of the data in your MIS, Schoolzine provides you with a report that identifies records which have duplicate data. Schoolzine will not import contacts with the same email as this is the unique identifier used throughout the Schoolzine platform. All contacts must have their own unique email address. The […]

Contacting the Schoolzine Design Team

We offer unlimited support to our schools because we know how important it is to provide quick and effective support to our clients! So if you ever have a question regarding your Account Design please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you out.

For more information, please read the following article.

Contacting the Schoolzine Websites Team

We offer unlimited support to our schools because we know how important it is to provide quick and effective support to our clients! So if you ever have a question regarding your Website please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you out.

For more information, please read the following article.

Contacting the Schoolzine Production Team

We offer unlimited support to our schools because we know how important it is to provide quick and effective support to our clients! So if you ever have a question regarding your Newsletter please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you out.

For more information, please read the following article.

Wonde Integration Guide

The following guide will provide you with information regarding the Wonde Sync Process and Bringing Your Data into the Control Centre.

For more information on this process, please read the following article.

Advertising with Schoolzine

Artwork Guidelines Ad Sizes There are three different sizes you can choose between for your advertisement; single, double, and banner. Ad Zones The footer advertisements will be located in a fixed pop up banner that appears at the bottom of the newsletter. The side advertisements are located in the side panel of the newsletter. The […]

Schoolzine Live Chat

Did you know that Support can be contacted from the Control Centre? Using Live Chat, the Schoolzine Support team is accessible via the Control Centre. Live Chat allows you to voice any questions to us through direct messaging. Please feel free to submit any questions or queries at any time during Schoolzine business hours (7am – 6pm AEST).