A list of commonly asked questions and their answers regarding the Control Centre are below.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please Contact Support.
How do I know what the symbols stand for in the left side menu of my Schoolzine account?
To be able to navigate through your Schoolzine account a little easier. If you click on the 3 lines in the top left corner, it will show the names of each section.
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What is the difference between Quick Send Message and Communicate?
Your Schoolzine account isn’t just used for sending out your newsletter. Quick send message is used for short and urgent messages that you need to get out super quick. Quick send message also has a character limit and no formatting applied to the message. Whereas sending out a message via Communicate is more for long, detailed information. Please note: The Communicate functionality is an add-on feature now. It will only be visible within your account if it’s included in your subscription.
I have forgotten my username and password. How do I reset my password?
Your username is your full email address at the school (@eq.edu.au, @education.tas.gov.au). You are able to reset your password by using the ‘Reset password here’ button at the bottom of the page. Once you’ve clicked on this you’ll be sent an email to change your password. If you’re experiencing any further issues, please contact the Support Team.
Can multiple people share a login?
Due to recent updates to our security and privacy policies. We don’t recommend multiple users logging in under the same login (e.g. admin@domain.com), as it provides no auditing within the account and poses significant security risk. Every person requiring access to your Schoolzine account will need their own individual username and password. More information on our Terms and Conditions can be found here: http://box5226.temp.domains/~qofumbmy/schoolzine/terms
I can’t see a menu item for Session Keeper/Manage SZapp in my Control Centre?
If you log into your Schoolzine account and can’t see a feature appearing in the left side menu. Please contact the Support Team as we will need to confirm if the feature is apart of your current package.
What is the best internet browser to use?
If you notice some things are working as well within your Schoolzine account. Firstly, it’s best to double check the browser that you are currently using. Any HTML5 browser is fine to use. It is not recommended to use Internet Explorer.
What do I do when my account has been suspended?
A user will be suspended when five incorrect login attempts have occurred within a time frame of a minute. This will then result in a one minute lockout period. The user will be able to log in again on the same web page after the one minute is up. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact the Support Team.